FENCA adopts Code of Conduct for GDPR and elects new Board
At Friday’s AGM of FENCA in Strasbourg, the European umbrella organisation for debt collection and debt purchase formally adopted a Code of Conduct to apply the rules of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to the debt collection and debt purchase sector.
Acknowledged in this endeavour by European Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality Věra Jourová, FENCA is one of the first European trade bodies to develop a Code of Conduct, as encouraged by Article 40 of the GDPR.
Leigh Berkley, Vice-President of FENCA and leading the project, said: “It is a fantastic achievement for FENCA to get an entire sector of the financial services industry to agree on detailed data protection rules demonstrating compliance with GDPR, and thus safeguarding the rights and interests of consumers and firms right across Europe.”
“We are very grateful for the support and active engagement we received during the intense development processes from our national member organisations, key stakeholders within the industry and consumer advice organisations. The Board, expertly supported by FENCA Head Office and Director General Andreas Bücker, are delighted to have reached this milestone of self-regulation.”
In close exchange with national Data Protection Authorities, FENCA will now embark on the official process of adoption of the GDPR Code of Conduct by the European Data Protection Board.
The AGM also elected Michela De Marchi (UNIREC – Italy) and Claus Spedtsberg (DiB – Denmark) as new members to the FENCA Board of Directors, while Rayna Mitkova-Todorova (ACABG – Bulgaria) and Piotr Badowski (PZZW – Poland) were re-elected to serve for another three-year term.
Erwin Falkner, President of FENCA, commented: “With a strengthened Board of seven and the enthusiastic commitment of our members, we are well placed to complete the work on the Code and to act successfully on the important legislative and regulatory developments in our industry across Europe in 2019.”
(Δικαιώματα εικόνων: istockphoto.com/MF3d )
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