Debitos to sell performing loan worth EUR 17.4M from KA Finanz
The debt marketplace Debitos was commissioned by KA Finanz AG to sell a performing loan with a notional value of EUR 17.4M. KA Finanz AG is a wind-down unit that was established after the demerger of the former Kommunalkredit and is fully owned by the Republic of Austria. The credit engagement of the KA Finanz AG is an LMA-standard loan secured with a state guarantee. It finances an infrastructure project and will mature in 2022. Only banks are eligible as buyers of the loan.
“We have already launched the process of approaching interested investors. We expect the loan to be auctioned via our online marketplace in July 2018”, said Timur Peters, CEO of Debitos. Interested banks are required to register their written Expression of Interest until June 30 electronically per e-mail to
About Debitos:
Debitos is an online marketplace which allows companies, banks and funds to sell their credit exposures on the market through its open and transparent auction-based online transaction platform. The platform leverages on the digitalization of the entire sale process and can reduce the expected disposal timing to 3-8 weeks compared to 3-6 months of the traditional process. Debitos was founded in Frankfurt in 2010 and has since concluded more than 220 online transactions with a total gross book value in excess of €4bn. By now more than 500 investors from all over the world have registered with Debitos.
Press contact:
Jens Secker
BrunoMedia GmbH
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55116 Mainz
Telefon: +49 (0) 6131 9302833
Twitter: @TeamBrunoMedia
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